
What is the temperature plateau of excavator water tank?

发布时间:2019/3/19 14:38:54 分类:Company news

What is the temperature plateau of excavator water tank? Look over here! 1) or blockage in a water tank serious excavator hydraulic oil cooler at the age of operation in a bad environment, so often there will be a lot of dust and small debris blocking hydraulic radiator and radiator radiator outside, especially a few leak phenomenon, hydraulic oil cooler was briefly to plug in the back of the radiator radiator (dust attached directly on the hydraulic oil), so we should pay attention to see if there is any hydraulic oil radiator. Since the electric fan of the engine of the excavator is to draw the wind from the hydraulic oil radiator to the direction of the engine for heat dissipation. So when the engine sucks in the air, it also takes the dust with it, which causes the dust to stick to the leaking hydraulic radiator, making the radiator unable to dissipate heat, and the water temperature then rises! Treatment suggestion: adjust the water gun to atomize the hydraulic oil radiator and water tank repeatedly with the car washing machine, until the naked eye can see the original dust blockage of the local has been dredge. Be careful not to turn the nozzle into a powerful column of water that will break the hydraulic radiator and water tank. I wonder if we have noticed what the water in the water tank looks like when it is circulating. Can there be a small bubble phenomenon? If there is such a situation that the engine cylinder pad has a punch problem. Treatment suggestion: replace cylinder bed. Note: when installing the cylinder head, use the torque wrench to press the corresponding torque equipment. Do not use brute force. 3) pump is bad to see the pump, the engine and then hold the water tank water pipe, assuming that the feeling of the pinch is very strong very hard, that means there is no problem with the pump, if very brief knead flat that pump circulation is not good! Poor water circulation means that the pump is damaged. Treatment suggestion: replace the water pump. Watch out: remember to put some sealant on the mat when using the equipment.

4) water tank cover broken water tank cover broken is also a cause of rising water temperature, as a result of the water tank cover broken, will briefly in the water cycle lead to water inlet. So the water will be warmer! Treatment suggestion: replace the tank cover. Pay attention to: try to buy a better quality water tank cover, good elasticity. Excavator water tank back water, water shortage, leakage, water temperature plateau because of what? Look over here! 5) thermostat defect thermostat turned low or may have been stuck. In summer commonly all tore down! The thermostat is mainly used in the northern cryogenic climate, the southern region can be directly withdrawn. Treatment recommendations: undo or replace the thermostat. 6) fan defect fan no high speed, can not keep up with the engine pulley, this is also a brief water temperature rise! Handling suggestion: can replace the smaller fan pulley or replace the blade with the turbocharged type. 7) diesel pump defect excavator significantly black smoke or white smoke is very large, the whole vehicle action is weak, high water temperature, is likely to be the plunger of the big pump, oil valve and nozzle has been worn, resulting in the lack of pressure, nozzle atomization, combustion can not impact, lack of power excavator. Treatment suggestion: ask the master of the local school pump to disassemble the diesel pump and fuel injection nozzle maintenance and replace related accessories. Excavator water tank back water, water shortage, leakage, water temperature plateau because of what? Look over here! 8) there is too much dirt inside the water tank. There is dirt in the water channel inside the water tank and the water pump and other local water channels, which leads to the decrease of water flow and high water temperature. Treatment suggestion: clean water tank and water channel. 9) non-genuine antifreeze or water tank treasure water tank treasure (antifreeze), assume your machine in the addition of antifreeze appeared transpiration phenomenon. That means you're not adding glycol antifreeze. Since the boiling point of real ethylene glycol antifreeze can reach 105-110 degrees, higher than the boiling point of water, it is not transpiration. So let's keep an eye out for antifreeze! Processing Suggestions: identify the business, buy genuine antifreeze or water tank treasure.

10) defects in the hydraulic pump internal wear severe, large space between parts, resulting in internal leakage and lack of pressure will also cause high water temperature. Disposal suggestion: disassemble and overhaul hydraulic pump. Excavator water tank back water, water shortage, leakage, water temperature plateau because of what? Look over here! 11) one-way valve defect hydraulic oil radiator one-way valve defect, poor oil road, can not circulate, resulting in high water temperature. Handling Suggestions: remove and pick up the one-way valve. 12) broken water pipe broken water pipe leakage will lead to a decrease in the amount of water in the tank, and then increase in water temperature. Treatment Suggestions: check the leakage situation and the extent of water pipe damage, timely replacement of water pipes.

Automobile radiator excavator tank oil radiator engineering machinery radiator

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